
The Community Climate Change Quiz is a challenge aimed at having people get to know how climate change has impacted their community through a Quiz format which can be televised or aired on radio. It is expected to run in steps from village level (where participants will be chosen as representatives of districts) to national level, with the ultimate winner taking home defined prizes.  People will be provided with climate change information for their particular area based on the level of the quiz and they will be tasked with questions based on these. This will incentivize people to read and understand the information about climate change and to find ways to effectively communicate the answers, in order to emerge as winners of the contest. The biggest advantage of TVs or radios format is that the people will follow the quiz supporting their candidates and they will automatically be informed about the climate change threats and opportunities. Further activities can be carried out in order to make the quiz more interesting, such as visits to the finalist communities, or the provision of bonus points for good practices implemented in the participants' areas.

Organisations and companies working in climate-related contexts will have to be brought on board as sponsors of the quiz.

International and local non-profit organizations advocating for the protection of the environment will also be brought on board as partners.

Further implementation and timeline details:

Participants will be structured in groups of four people (two female and two Males) representing districts' villages and schools which wish to participate. A technical committee of climate change experts will be selected. The committee will define a set of questions based on the climate change threats and opportunities concerning a particular community, region or the whole country. These questions will be vetted before any phase starts.

Various gifts will be awarded at each stage according to the funding available and the awarding system in place, in order to motivate the participants to know more information for the next stage.

The Community Quiz will be implemented through the youth think-tank named Tusenvule. Tusevule has a local community coverage and partnerships will be developed to enable nationwide coverage.

Partnership and sponsorship proposals will be drafted and distributed to identified interested parties (stakeholders) to help facilitate the implementation of the Community Quiz project.

The quiz should be designed to take 4 months, with the first month being dedicated to village level, the second month to district Level, the third month to the regional level and the fourth month dedicated to the finals at the national level, where the national winner will be awarded the ultimate Climate Change Prize.

Objectives and beneficiaries

This quiz will help to gauge communities' knowledge about climate change. At the same time, it will also act as a way of communicating essential and crucial information. Organized to move from villages to the national level, it will engage people in basically all parts of the country, covering both local and national impacts and actions.

Strong points of the solution

The Quiz aims to involve organizations and industries whose work directly or indirectly affects climate change, thus maximizing stakeholders' engagement.

The involvement of climate change advocacy organizations will bring the information on the ground.

Expected results and benefits for climate change adaptation and mitigation

V. Objectives and beneficiaries section.

Scalability potential of the solution

The Community Quiz will be implemented through the youth think-tank named Tusenvule. Tusevule has a local community coverage and partnerships will be developed to enable nationwide coverage.

Partnership and sponsorship proposals will be drafted and distributed to identified interested parties (stakeholders) to help facilitate the implementation of the Community Quiz project.

[Editor's Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made for length and clarity.]